Christopher Santiago, CMFO
Office Contact:
Christopher Santiago ext.128
Tiffany English ext. 127
The Chief Financial Officer and the Finance Department of the Borough of Point Pleasant Borough shall be responsible for the following:
- Keep and maintain books and records of all financial transactions of the Borough in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Division of Local Government in the Department of Treasury of the State of New Jersey and any other governmental entities with authority.
- Have custody of all public moneys of the Borough and make monthly reports to the Mayor and Council of all receipts, expenditures, commitments and unexpended appropriations. All moneys received from any source by or on behalf of the Borough or any department, board, office or agency thereof, except as otherwise provided by Borough ordinance, shall be paid to the Chief Financial Officer, who shall, within 48 hours after their receipt, deposit them to the credit of the Borough in an authorized public depository of the Borough to the credit of the proper account.
- Audit all receipts and disbursements of the Borough government and each of its departments, and preaudit all bills, claims and demands against the Borough, including payrolls, and require each department head to certify that the materials, supplies or equipment have been received and accepted as specified and that the services have been duly rendered.
- Maintain all social security, pension and insurance records for personnel of all departments.