Municipal Court


Watch video – Attending Municipal Court Remotely: What to Do and What to Expect

Virtual Court Sessions:  

*****When signing into zoom session please use FIRST and LAST name*****

  • You are required to watch the “Official Municipal Court Opening Statement” prior to entering the court session by clicking on the link.  You can watch this at any time.  The Judge will ask you if you have done so.  By joining the virtual court session you are certifying that you have watched the Opening Statement.
  • ****Once you have watched the Opening Statement you may enter the court session by going to the link provided on the label on the front of your court notice you received in the mail.*****
  • You are REQUIRED TO DISCUSS YOUR CASE WITH THE PROSECUTOR PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED COURT DATE (732-363-0666 Ext. 280)  ask for Point Pleasant Borough Prosecutor Brian McAlindin.

What to do after your court appearance:

The Judge will discuss with you your payment options.  If you were given fines in the Municipal Court and would like to pay online go to WWW.NJMCDirect.Com.  The court will set you up on a Time Payment Order and we will forward that Order to you. 

Per AOC rules, audio and video recording of the proceedings are strictly prohibited.  If you would like a copy of the proceeding, you can fill out a judiciary request form which can be found at New Jersey Courts on line.

There are multiple ways of joining a virtual court session, each with different requirements:

  • PC/Mac Laptop or desktop – will require a browser which will run Zoom Meeting as needed.  A Microphone and video camera are required.
  • Smart Phone – install the Zoom Cloud Meetings app and allow access to your camera and microphone.

Keys to a successful Zoom virtual Court Appearance:

*****When signing into zoom session please use FIRST and LAST name*****

  • Set up in a closed room with no noise or other people.
  • Connect to the meeting using your real first and last name on the display so the court staff know you are ready with your case.
  • Be sure to allow any connections to audio or video by “Zoom”
  • If you show up 30 minutes early someone will be available to test prior to you appearance.

Plea-By-Mail Download

Public Defender Application (email completed application to the Court Administrator listed below)

Judge: Philip Miller JMC

Court Administrator: Robert Michalkowski, CMCA

Online Dispute Resolution, Tickets and Criminal Complaint TPAY’s as of 5/11/2020 can be paid here.

Payments may be placed in drop box in foyer of police department mark water-tax-sewer-municipal court. Payments must be placed in envelope marked municipal court.
Window hours are 9am to 3:30pm expect on the first Monday of the month
You can reach the court staff @ 732-899-1636

Professional Staff

Point Pleasant

  • Magistrate: Philip Miller, JMC
  • Prosecutor: Brian McAlindin, Esq.
  • Public Defender: John Novak, Esq.