Your Name (required)
Property Address (required)
Account Number (required)
Block Number (required)
Lot Number (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Phone (required)
Effective immediately, I authorize the Borough of Point Pleasant to notify me quarterly of my water/sewer bill using “E-Bill Notification”. I understand that I will not receive a paper bill sent to me if I am signed up for E-Bills. If payment is not received by the due date, friendly reminders will continue to be mailed to the address on file via the US Postal System.
It is my responsibility to update my email and mailing address with the Borough whenever a change is made. Negligence on my part, will no way relieve me of the responsibility of paying the bill by the due date to avoid interest charges. This authorization will be kept on file and remain in effect until the email address provided no longer accepts our E-Bills or the authorization is terminated by the account holder.
Today's Date (required)
Type Your Name Below to E-Sign (required)