March 18, 2020

Attention Borough of Point Pleasant Residents:

Previously this evening, the County Health Board incorrectly named a COVID-19 case to be in the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.  We have just been informed that it is in fact the Borough of Point Pleasant.  In an effort to alert the Borough of Point Pleasant community as soon as possible, we are relaying this information now as the confirmation of the first and presently only positive case for the COVID-19 virus here in town.  The only information available is that it is a male in his 40’s and this individual voluntarily had himself tested when he felt ill and is following isolation protocols with mild symptoms of the virus.  The Ocean County Department of Health is also in the process of conducting a thorough contact tracing effort and any individuals that could have possibly been exposed are being contacted by the County and investigated following proper protocols.  For the time being, this is the entirety of the information we have here at Borough Hall.

I have stated in previous announcements that our sense of community will get us through this difficult time.  Announcements like this are not meant to incite hysteria, but instead are meant to inform and educate on the severity of today’s state of affairs.  This is certainly not a time to panic, but it is a time to be concerned and for all of us to do our part by making smart decisions about hygiene and social distancing.  It is now as important as ever to strictly follow social distancing practices and to quickly contact your doctor if you are exhibiting any combination of symptoms that the CDC has laid out on their website,

We are all tasked with helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Your decisions as members of our community to take this seriously will benefit not only your families but your friends and neighbors as well.  We will continually update information to our residents as we receive it.

Stay well,

Mayor Robert A. Sabosik