Dear Residents,

At our most recent Council Meeting, the Borough Council and I took extra steps in our battle to flatten the curve and halt the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19.

We are all aware that in the Governor’s Executive Order No. 107, all non-essential businesses have been ordered to close.  For more details on that and what businesses are exempted, I ask you to view our previous posts.  What myself and the Borough Council did was to take the extra step and temporarily suspend all door to door solicitors (sales people) permits.  We wanted to make sure no one skirted the Governor’s Executive Order by going door to door interacting with the public in order to flatten the curve and help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We have had many residents complain that this was still going on and so we had to act on it.

Further, the Governor explicitly stated that all NJ residents should remain at their primary residences.  We understand that those that own a second home and other property in our area along with those that want to visit have rights, but the reasoning behind this decision by the Governor is because our local medical facilities are not equipped to handle an influx of out of town visitors during the ‘off season’ times of year.  Additionally, as people travel from region to region, it becomes increasingly difficult for health authorities to track the spread of COVID-19 and to do their jobs.  In order to protect not just our year-round residents from the spread of COVID-19, but our out-of-towners as well, myself and the Borough Council have prohibited until further notice all Air B&B and Vacation Rental By Owners (VRBO) in the Borough of Point Pleasant.  It is now more than ever imperative that the people of New Jersey stay in their primary residences and heed the Governor’s words.

The Borough Council and I have been implementing social distancing and hygiene practices within and outside of Borough Hall for some time now.  This Governing body has been proactive since day one working hand in hand with the Governor’s Office and our County Officials.  Any residents with questions about a myriad of COVID-19 issues should check our website often,, as we are consistently making announcements and addressing various issues.

As always, I remain incredibly proud of our community for how we have all come together to get through this crisis.  There truly is no better place to be than The Boro.

Stay well,

Mayor Robert A. Sabosik