Jennifer Burr, CTC
Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: 732-892-3434 ext. 109
The Tax Collector is responsible for the yearly billing and quarterly collection of the tax levy within guidelines mandated by the State of New Jersey.
Property Tax Bills – Property tax bills are mailed out ONCE a year, usually in mid-July and cover four quarterly payments. The bill mailed in July includes the 3rd and 4th quarters of the current year and the preliminary 1st and 2nd quarters of the next year. Payments are due quarterly: February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st with a 10 day grace period, the maximum allowed by State Law. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a Borough holiday, the grace period is extended to the Borough’s next business day.
If the tax office has a mortgage company on your account, an original bill will be forwarded to the mortgage company and a copy marked “NOT A BILL – FOR ADVICE ONLY” will be sent to the taxpayer.
If you receive a tax bill that states “NOT A BILL – FOR ADVICE ONLY”, and you pay your own taxes, please use the advice only bill to make payment and notify the tax office to remove the mortgage company from your account.
If you have changed mortgage companies, please make sure the tax office is notified, especially if you need a duplicate bill.
Failure to Receive a Tax Bill – NJSA 54:4-64 states that failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax due. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ascertain from the Tax Collector the amount of taxes due. If you have recently purchased the property or lost your tax bill, please call the Tax Collector’s Office to obtain the amount of taxes due or to request a copy of your tax bill.
Payments – The Borough of Point Pleasant has approved an interest rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500 of delinquency; 18% on balances in excess of $1,500. The 18% interest rate remains in place until taxes are brought current. Interest is charged from the 1st of the month that payment is due, or the date of last payment. If the total balance (tax and interest) exceeds $10,000 on December 31st, a 6% penalty shall be added to the amount due.
NJ Statutes do not permit the waiver or cancellation of any interest charge.
Payments may be made by check, cash, money orders, or online.
- Checks and money orders are to be made payable to the “Borough of Point Pleasant”.
- Postmarks and postdated checks are not accepted.
- Fees are charged by the service provider and are neither paid to nor shared with the Borough of Point Pleasant when utilizing our Online Payment Site.
Note: if you are using your banks “online bill pay”, the bank will mail a physical check to the Borough. Please allow ample delivery time to avoid interest charges as an online payment through your bank’s portal does not necessarily mean a prompt payment should the physical check arrive late.
There is an after-hours drop box located in the Police Department Lobby. Please no cash in the drop box.
The Borough does not redeposit returned checks and will assess a $20.00 charge for “Non-Sufficient Funds” (NSF) returned checks.
Added Assessment Bills – If improvements are made to your house, it may generate an “Added Assessment” bill in October after the regular bill has been mailed. This bill is payable in addition to the regular tax bill. If your mortgage company is paying your taxes, the Added Assessment bill will be mailed to them, however, not all mortgage companies will pay the Added Assessment. It is ultimately the homeowner’s responsibility to find out if the mortgage company will pay or if the homeowner must submit payment on his own.
New Jersey Property Tax Relief – For the first time, NJ residents can apply for three PTR programs – Senior Freeze, ANCHOR and Stay NJ – on a single application called PAS-1. This combined application can be used by both homeowners and renters. There will no longer be ANCHOR-H or ANCHOR-T applications. The Division of Taxation will provide a single combined application for the Stay NJ, ANCHOR, and Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze) programs for New Jersey residents who are 65 and over or those collecting Social Security Disability Benefits. The combined application is Form PAS-1, State of New Jersey Application for Property Tax Relief for Seniors and Social Security Disability Recipients.
This new combined application incorporates the three major programs available to senior or disabled individuals:
- Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement);
- Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR);
- Stay NJ.
New Jersey residents who are 65 and over or those collecting Social Security Disability Benefits will no longer be required to file separate applications to receive benefits from these programs.
The availability of New Jersey’s property tax relief programs is subject to State Budget appropriations.
- To ask questions or to order an application call the Division of Taxation at 1-888-238-1233 for assistance. (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except State holidays)
- To check the status of a filed application: 1-888-238-1233
- To listen to information: 1-800-323-4400
- In-person assistance at Taxation Regional Information Centers (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except State holidays):
- Online
Taxation email address for property tax relief and general tax questions:
You may also qualify for a $250 senior citizen deduction or a $250 veteran’s deduction. For information on these deductions, you may call either the Tax Collector’s or Tax Assessor’s office at 732-892-3434.
Water and Sewer – The Tax Collector is also responsible for the billing and collection of Water/Sewer bills. Water/Sewer is billed quarterly according to the section of town in which you live, therefore, due dates of these bills vary. Meters are read by our Department of Public Works and the bills consist of two components -water usage between reading dates and a quarterly ready-to-serve charge. At present, household rates are $7.90 per thousand gallons of water/sewer and a ready-to-serve charge of $95 per living unit. For all miscellaneous charges including but not limited to call outs, after hour call outs, meter prices, connection fees, final reads, repairs, leak checks and more, please refer to Borough Ordinance 2024-13 by clicking on the below link:
ADOPTED Ord 2024-13 Amending Water Sewer Rates
Late payments, Water and Sewer -There is also a 10-day grace period on water/sewer bills, however, if a payment is received after the grace period has expired, interest is charged at the same rate as taxes – 8% on amounts up to $1,500 and 18% on amounts over $1,500. Accounts with delinquencies of 90 days or more are subject to termination of service.
Online Forms
Agreement Form
If you are interested in receiving your water/sewer bill by email, please complete the following: E-Bill Notification Authorization Form
Cancellation Form
Please fill out the following to terminate E-Bill Notification: E-Bill Termination Form