Dear Friend and Neighbor,

In communities such as ours there are many people who live alone. The Borough of Point Pleasant cares about you and is concerned about your well being. We have developed a program that we call “OPERATION REASSURANCE”. This letter is to introduce you to the program and offer you the opportunity to join something that many of your neighbors have found is geared to their safety and well being.

The requirement for acceptance to the program is broad, as our goal is to help as many people as possible. The purpose is to assist senior citizens, or people living under special circumstances that live alone. You will be required to call the Police Department every day between 8:00 am and 10:00 am. If your call is not received by 10:00 am we will call you. If there is no answer a police officer will be dispatched to your home to ensure your well being.

If a key is not made available to the police officer forced entry into your home may be required. The Point Pleasant Police Department or it’s members will not be held liable for any damage incurred by the forced entry.

If you are interested in participating please print and fill out the application below and return it to Police Headquarters. You may also fax the application to 732-892-0310. If you have any questions please contact our “OPERATION REASSURANCE” coordinator at 732-892-0060.

Very truly yours,
Chief Robert Lokerson

Click here for the Operation Reassurance Application

Operation Reassurance Instructions

  • Please call in by 10:00 am. Give your name and keep the conversation brief.
  • Keep your doctor’s name, phone number and a list of all medication you take available for emergency personnel.
  • If you suffer from an illness note it on your medication list.
  • If you are planning a trip please notify police headquarters of your departure and return dates. Advise us who to contact in case of an emergency, will there be lights on, is there a timer on the lights or will there be a car in the driveway. EVEN FOR AS SHORT A PERIOD AS ONE DAY!
  • If for any reason the information on your application has changed Please notify police headquarters.